Saturday, 19 October 2013

Russia's Coastline

The coastline of russia.

Russia has the third longest coastline of any nation on the planet, the biodiversity along the coast line is astonishing. This is because there is a range of habitats from the small, warm shallow sea of Azov to the large cold Artic ocean. Coast line length is a hard thing to determine but acording to The World Factbook Russias coastline is 37,653km long.

File:Russian Federation (orthographic projection).svg
Russia has coastline along several seperated large bodies of water. There is coastline along the Caspian sea, Black sea, sea of okhotsk, Pacific ocean, Baltic sea and several other seas and oceans.
File:Center of Vladivostok and Zolotoy Rog.jpgPort at Vladivostok, Eastern Russia.

Russia has hundreds of ports along the coastline with the most major being Kaliningrad (Baltic), Rostov-on-Don (Black sea), and Vladivostok (Pacific ocean).

The largest stretch of coast line is all across the North of the countrbeginning at the Norwegian border and spanning all the way to the East until the Chinese border. This stretch of coastline is all excessable in the summer but during the winter two thirds wsould be surrounded bt thick ice sheets.

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